Hey Everyone!!! Two new uploads " He's Heree" and "1/4 of Darkness" Check them out when you get a chance. Once again I just want to let everyone know I appreciate all the view and reviews that you guys leave on me and Chaos Dragons page...Even if you dont care too much for one of our songs, please leave a review and tell us why. What we're are trying to do is prevent ourselves from getting on a one track mind. ChDrgn and I want to become better and appeal to as many as we can and we realize that the style of music that we like isnt appealing to everyone. So we want to become more diverse and we need examples and reviews from you guys to help us to grow. I personally love anything sort of heroic, up tempo, and thrashy. I like others styles as well, but thats always the most appealing to me. Help us out, even if you have to give us a flat out "0" just tell us why you know. But HEY OTHERWISE THANKS AND STAY TUNED more to come!!!!!! CHAOS PHOENIX OUT!~~~~~~